Giada Bardelli, aka Giada Joys, is an Italian Graphic Designer. Born and raised in the countryside out of Milan, she had years of experience in the fashion industry before deciding to move to New York City and study Graphic Design.

​She mastered a degree in Multimedia and Programming Design, and a Bachelor's Degree in Business Communication at Baruch College.

​Music and graffiti are her main sources of inspiration. She has a very strong passion for the art of Typography, and she aims to always give uniqueness and modernity to her creations.

The art of words and fashion emerged into the creation of her own brand, GJ ATTITUDE. Her philosophy is directly conveyed on the collections of messages printed on her shirts. 

​While Italy is well-known for exquisite fashion, the story of successful women achieving greatness on their own is always fresh and revolutionary, anywhere in the world.